Detox from Technology

2 min readApr 19, 2021


Currently, what I’m challenged by is not being able to be more than one hour apart from YouTube videos on my laptop and phone. I find myself pausing in between cleaning the dishes, bathroom, and even while showering to play music or have a video in the background. This has caused me to delay my tasks longer and eventually take hours just doing a small task because I was busy finding the perfect video to watch. As mentioned by Brain X. Chen in his article (It’s Time for a Digital Detox. You Know You Need) “moderation is often the best rule for life”, I realize that I probably need to detox myself from all my technology. I need to find a healthy balance to ensure I’m not destroying myself.

Thus, I have decided to start taking my life back into my hands by reducing my screen time. As Shirin Ghaffary mentioned “so he only lets himself on Instagram for 15 minutes a day”, in his article “What’s all this fuse about “digital detox”- and does it really work?”, I will start limiting my app time. In thinking about my app usage, I spend most of my time on YouTube and Facebook. Thus, starting next week, I want to limit my daily usage of them to be under 6 hours. I will only be using them 6 hours a day and start reducing the time as each week goes by. During the rest of the free time, I will probably resort to working out or going for a run-in nature to keep me busy and not think about my devices. In the past when I’ve been overly connected with my anime peers, I started feeling stressed about schoolwork because I was spending most of my time watching anime with my friends. This actually caused me to feel super down and how I fixed this was blocking my anime site for a week in order to get back to my usual self. Therefore, I know what I must do to regain myself again.

